"This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect" When Click Link in Outlook

When clicking on a hyperlink in Outlook, you get this message : "This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer." and your Windows 7 or Vista computer has just uninstalled Google Chrome. Uninstalling Google Chrome does not remove the registry value of HTM/HTML association key. The following steps will fix the error.

STEP 1: Set Internet Explorer as your default program

1. Go to Default Programs from your Menu
2. Select Set your default programs
3. Click on Internet Explorer on the left hand side
4. Then click on Set this program as default

STEP 2: Restoring HTM/HTML registry key

1. Type Regedit in Search programs and files
2. Expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.html
3. Right click on the value of the .html and select Modify
4. Change the value from ChromeHTML to htmlfile
5. Click OK to accept it.