In order to create local user account for your Foundry FastIron Edge X448 switch, you must logged on with super-user access.
1. At the opening CLI prompt, enter the following
enable command:
FESX448> enable
2. Access the configuration level of the CLI by entering the following command:
# configure terminal
3. To create local user account, enter the following command:
(config)# username john privilege 0 password j4n3d03
In this example, username
john will have full access to all configuration and display features. His password will automatically be encrypted unlike the previous software version whereas you have a choice.
(config)# username bob privilege 5 password b1gb0y
In this example, username
bob will have read-only level to all configuration and display features. Bob can look for the information but cannot make configuration changes.
(config)# username jack nopassword
In this example, username
jack will have a super user account with no password. Jack will have full access to all configuration and display features.
privilege parameter specifies the following:
- 0 - Full Access (super-user)
- 4 - Port-configuration access
- 5 - Read-only access
The default privilege level is 0. If you want to assign Super User level access to the account, you can enter the command without privilege 0.
4. Save the configuration changes to the device's flash memory:
(config)# write mem