How to Reset Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager Password

You can reset your Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager password by using its resetpass.bat located in your installation directory. The tools is provided with the installation package. If you are unable to find resetpass.bat, your Symantec Endpoint Protection maybe installed on another drive.

To reset the password follow these steps:

  1. On the server where your installed Symantec Endpoint Protection, open the following directory C:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Tools or C:\Program Files (86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Tools
  2.  Double click resetpass.bat and the password will be reset to default credential
  3. Open your Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager
  4. Logon using Admin for both username and password
  5. Be sure to change the password after your successfully login
 Please note: if your account is locked, you may have to wait 15 to 60 minutes before you can try to use resetpass.bat.


Mansoor said...

well I have tried doing this and it is the same as it was before, it didn't worked
Can i have any alternate way for it?

Vootwerk said...

Most likely, it was locked up. You'll need to redo the steps.