How to Reset Foundry FastIron Edge X448 to Factory Default

The following are the steps to reset your Foundry FastIron Edge X448 to its factory default settings.

1. You need to unplug the power cords from switch.
2. Plug the power cords back and immediately type "b" key on your console. This will pause the boot process of the switch.
3. Type the following command:

FESX448> no password
FESX448> boot system flash primary

4. Your Foundry FastIron Edge X448 switch will reboot without prompting for a password. At the opening CLI prompt, enter the following enable command:

FESX448> enable

5. After enabling, you need to enter the following command, which it will erasing all of your Foundry FastIron Edge X448 configuration. 

FESX448# erase start
FESX448# reload


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post! What speed & settings are you using for your serial port connection?


Vootwerk said...

You can just follow per user guide; 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity with flow control to none. Emulation mode set to VT100.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for instruction