How to Set Management Privilege Password for Foundry FastIron Edge X448

You can setup a single password for each of the management level of Foundry FastIron Edge X448 switch. The following are the management privilege levels:

Super User level – Allows complete read-and-write access to the system. This is generally for system administrators and is the only management privilege level that allows you to configure passwords.
Port Configuration level – Allows read-and-write access for specific ports but not for global (system-wide) parameters.
Read Only level – Allows access to the Privileged EXEC mode and CONFIG mode of the CLI but only with read access.

You must use the CLI to assign a password for management privilege levels. You cannot assign a password using the Web management interface. The following steps are to configure passwords for management privilege levels:

1. At the opening CLI prompt, enter the following enable command:

FESX448> enable

2. Access the configuration level of the CLI by entering the following command:

FESX448# configure terminal

3. Enter the following command to set the Super User level password:

FESX448# enable super-user-password (type your password here)

4. Enter the following command to set the Port Configuration and Read Only level passwords:
FESX448# enable port-config-password (type your password here)
FESX448# enable read-only-password (type your password here)

5. Enter the following command to save it:

FESX448(config)# write mem